Ableton Key Commands

Here’s a re-post of my collection of Ableton key commands…

One of the best ways to get fast at Ableton Live is to master the key commands.  Here’s a list of key commands I put together when I was studying to become an Ableton Certified Trainer.  Copy and paste this and keep it by you as you work.  I found a lot of cool functions just by putting together this list.  If I’ve left any out, please shoot them over to add to the list.  Enjoy….

Com N: New Live Set
Com O: Open Live Set
Com W: Close Live Set
Com S: Save Live Set
Shift Com S: Save Live Set As
Shift Com R: Export Audio/Video

Com Z: Undo
Shift – Com Z: Redo
Com X: Cut
Shift – Com X: Cut Time – Select a loop, Hit this command,  Everything in the loop will be cut and that amount of time will vanish from the arrangement.
Com C: Copy
Com V: Paste
Shift Com V: Paste Time:  – Select loop, Copy, Then paste – will copy over what’s there
Com D: Duplicate
Shift Com D: Duplicate Time:  Automatically duplicates what’s in the loop
Delete Key: Delete
Shift Com Delete: Deletes what’s in the loop
Com R: Rename
Com E: In Arrangement View – Split, In Session View – Remove the stop button of a clip
Com J: Consolidate
Com U: Quantize
Shift Com U: Quantize Settings
Com G: Group
Shift Com G: Ungroup
Com L: Loop Selection
Shift Com L: Select Loop
Com A: Select All

Com I: Insert Silence
Shift Com I: Capture and Insert Scene : Takes all the clips that are playing at a given moment and creates a whole    new scene with them
Com T: Audio Track
Shift Com T:  Midi Track
Opt Com T: Return Track
Shift Com M: Insert Midi Clip
Opt Com F: Create Fade: Also allows for the creation of cross-fades!***** To do this – select the track in       arrangement  view, then hit the clip you want to add a fade or cross-fade to.  Then hit this command and you’ll see the fades appear

Control Option F: Full Screen
Shift Com W: Second Window
Com F: Search in Browser
Opt Com B: Show Browser
Opt Com L: Detail View
Opt Com O: Overview of the Entire Track
Opt Com I: Ins and Outs
Opt Com S: Sends
Opt Com R: Returns
Opt Com M: Mixer
Opt Com G: Groove Pool
Zoom In: +
Zoom Out: –
?: Info View
Shift Com F: Follow in Arrangement View



Com M: Edit Midi Map (Midi Mapping Short Cut)
Com K: Key Mapping Shortcut
Shift Com K: Computer MIDI Keyboard
Com 1: Smaller Launch Quantization
Com 2: Larger Launch Quantization
Com 3: Triplet Launch Quantization
Com 4: Kill Launch Quantization
Com 5: Fixed Grid
Com B or Simply ‘B’: Draw Mode
Com F: Browser search


Tab – Switches from Session to Arrangement View
Shift Tab – Switches from Track to Clip View


Dan FreeMan, C0m1x, Ableton Certified Trainer